
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Movement Generation for "Rate of Exchange": what makes a whole?

Working with a partner call them “1” and “2”.  “1” creates a movement image from the A column, “2” responds to that movement with a movement image from the matching B column.  Think of these images as fitting together to create a whole.  Then “2” creates a movement image from the “A” column, and “1” responds with the corresponding image from the “B” column

Proceed through the entire list.
Develop the material so that it may or may not have stillness between what each person “offers” and responds with.  Create a new something to distinguish that you have moved onto a new row.  For instance:  change of facing, change of levels, one exchange happens only as upper body gestures, one exchange is all about fast, dangerous movement through space. 

Share.  Select a limited number of these duets, or assemble a limited number of these duets through all the material generated.  Everyone learns these.

Maybe this chart helps:

Dancers 1 and 2.  Indicated below is which dancer starts, which one responds.  Dancers use the A column as the start, B column for the response.
Suggested movement challenges that could inform movement choices
1 starts, 2 responds
Use only isolated body parts
2 starts, 1 responds
Tea cup
Movement must move from a point A to a point B
1 starts, 2 responds
Tin on the shelf, filled with ??
As full out and wild, risky movement as possible
2 starts, 1 responds
Highway seen through the window
A lift must be involved
1 starts, 2 responds
Counter of a convenience store
Map on the counter, directions marked out
Moments of extreme slowness, attention to details
2 starts, 1 responds
Paper Grocery bag
Receipt at the bottom of the bag
Radical level changes
1 starts, 2 responds
Sharp contrast in the movement qualities between 1 and 2 (i.e. sharp/smooth; loose/tight)
2 starts, 1 responds
Screen porch
Attention to focus, which is always away from where the movement is headed
1 starts, 2 responds
Spare key
Lock on a door
“Spell” at least one word from each column.  “Spell” as in write the word in space, trace on the floor, or on the body.

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