
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Something you carry with you

Great rehearsal.  Beautiful movement generation.  We used the prompt, "Something you have been given (object) that you carry with you, like when you moved to college you brought it with you - or something that you have given someone else, that has had the same role in their life."
We went around the circle and each person shared.  Then we made a gesture to go with each object.
The gestures were very rich, and the level of the dancers caused me to go right into the deep exploration phase.  Each dancer was assigned to create a solo within these parameters:
- Use all 14 gestures, or eliminate some if you would like
- Keep them in the same order
- Elaborate, elongate, expand, push the gestures
- You may change your gesture if you feel it isn't quite right, but you can't change anyone else's.

Solos were wonderful.  Video- ed.  They will be posted.

The poem, "Fifty-fifty" by Patricia Clarke was distributed and small groups read and discussed, then we discussed it as a whole group.  Emma took notes.

To close, everyone performed their solo as I read the poem.  Caleb and Emma watched.  There were some amazing line ups/link ups.  Wish I had taped!  Will see if we can do it again on Thursday.

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