
Monday, May 26, 2008

littlejoke's musing from a few days ago

little joke sent this one to me a few days ago. I so love that everyone is taking and playing with this and doing this amazing storytelling! Little Joke is right on our wave length - the idea about multiple versions.

from littlejoke:

"not sure where this would go, but what if there were multiple versions
of the annunciation?

what if one version was indeed the macho Gabriel announcing what is
effectively a rape?

what if an alternate version is a screwup Gabriel who bogged down in
Persia and had to be rescued on the Daniel mission and who reacts to
Mary's prolonged silence after his pronouncement by looking
disappointed, then scared, then embarrassed, and then starts backing
slowly out of the room still clutching his timidly presented lily ...
and Mary runs after him shouting, "No! No! I'll do it! Behold the
handmaid of the lord!"

and what if an alternate version....

just asking questions."

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of alternate versions! That has been part of the original concept. I was imagining that my story would be maybe a starting place on a spider web. And that these other stories, interpretations, dances, films, visual designs, dharma talks..... would simaltaneously exist in the performance space. Jerry, I might have to re-invoke the "Yeah, But Paradise" poet....
